WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Audit Committee Paper 1 13/08/04 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: INTERNAL AUDIT OUTLINE PLAN Prepared by: ANDY RINNING, INTERIM HEAD of CORPORATE SERVICES Purpose For information - to give the Audit Committee details of the outline plan of audit needs assessment from our internal auditors, setting out the audit coverage for the period 2004-05 to 2006-07. The plan will be subject to regular review and may alter to take account of identified change in risk. Recommendations That the committee note the outline plan and initial risk assessment, and in particular: • The audit coverage is initially proposed at 45 days per year over the next three years. • There will be a need for an updated audit needs assessment in year 1 to offer a more detailed and informed assessment of the actual internal audit resource required. Executive Summary The outline plan of audit needs assessment is issued by Delloite and sets out the programme of work to be carried out over the period 2004-05 to 2006-07. INTERNAL AUDIT OUTLINE PLAN Background 1. CNPA’s internal auditors Deloitte were appointed in May 2004, following competitive tendering. The main functions of the internal audit service are to: • Provide assurance that the processes are in place to support not only the aims of the organisation at present, but also to facilitate the growth envisaged within the Authority’s plans. • Facilitate the creation and strengthening of governance and management within the Authority, including the furtherance of the risk management process. • Assess processes in place and make recommendations to ensure best practice is followed. Audit Needs Assessment: Outline Plan 2. The following table sets out the proposed programme of audit coverage: (Table not available in text format) Audit Coverage 2004-05 Audit Days 2005-06 Audit Days 2006-07 Audit Days Initial Risk Assessment Probity / Compliance Financial Ledger 5 0 5 High Purchase Ledger 0 5 0 Medium Payroll 5 0 0 Medium Budgetary Control & Financial Reporting 0 5 0 Medium Financial Policies and Procedures 5 0 0 High Fixed Asset Register 0 0 5 Low Totals 15 10 10 Value for Money Strategic and Operational Planning 7 0 5 High Functional Group Reviews 0 5 0 Low Corporate Governance 5 0 5 High Project Management / Partnership Working 5 10 10 High Public Relations 0 5 0 Medium Needs Assessment / Risk Workshop 6 0 0 Totals 23 20 20 IT Governance / Security 0 5 5 Medium Follow-up 0 4 4 Contingency 3 2 2 Contract Management 4 4 4 totals 7 15 15 TOTAL - Internal Audit Days 45 45 45 3. Following initial discussions with the internal auditors it was agreed that the first priority should be to undertake a risk assessment and thereafter develop a risk register for CNPA. It is proposed that the auditors will make a start on this work towards the end of August. 4. Once the auditors have carried out their initial risk assessment and prepared the risk register, we will provide details at the next available audit committee meeting. Andy Rinning 3 August 2004 AndyRinning@cairngorms.co.uk